Monday, December 7, 2009

Sane, scientific facts about global warming

Posted: November 28, 2009 1:00 am Eastern © 2009 WorldNetDaily

In just days from now, our president will be in Copenhagen with a large group of influential people from around the world, discussing what immediate and long-term measures must be taken to prevent our globe from frying like an egg on a hot sidewalk. That last part is an exaggeration, of course, but the attitude among most of the attendees seems too similar to the fairy tale about Chicken Little, who ran around the barnyard screaming "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"
Former Vice President Al Gore has spent some eight years roaming the world with a message just about as dire, and was handed a Nobel Prize for his efforts. Now Bloomberg reports that Mr. Gore has seen his net worth soar from $2 million when he left office to more than $100 million now. He stands to personally make billions if "cap and trade" passes, because of his stake in the newly created agency that will lay billions of penalties on entities that produce more carbon emissions than the agency deems allowable. If this happens, it will make America's fabled "robber barons" from another era look like neighborhood kids with a lemonade stand.

What makes this James Bond or Michael Crichton story so fascinating is that a growing majority of the world's scientists are loudly proclaiming, "The sky is not falling!" The world is not frying in CO2! It’s actually cooling, and has been for some time!

Is my friend Al Gore destined for a Bernie Madoff ending?

I feel reasonably certain that our friend Al is truly persuaded that he's telling the truth, or less likely, has persuaded himself of it. And of course, many of the pictures he shows and stats and figures he relates are factual. It's just that he has drawn some wrong, and terribly damaging, conclusions from them. Just like Chicken Little, who saw dark and low hanging clouds over her, and felt the sky was falling. Facts right, conclusion wrong. Incontrovertible facts have now surfaced which completely contradict Gore's conclusions. Hard evidence and common sense confirm that:
Solar energy is the real source of global warming – and it has always been cyclical. The world's average temperature waxes and wanes according to activities on the sun, and there is no evidence using observed data over any time period you might choose, that carbon dioxide (CO2) has any effect on temperature or climate. A "greenhouse effect" linked to industrial emissions of CO2 is simply a myth.
As reported in the Tampa Tribune, oxygen isotope records from ice cores taken in Greenland show that planet Earth has had four major warm periods during the past 5,000 years. Three of those warm periods preceded industrial society, before man ever discharged CO2. Carbon dioxide had nothing to do with the warming.
In fact, there have been periods when carbon dioxide has been present in the earth's atmosphere at 20 times today's concentrations, with no dire consequences. Carbon dioxide itself is not a pollutant; it's a life-giving gas, tied intricately to the life of green plants. Plant life takes CO2 and uses it to produce oxygen. But even if it were a bad thing, it makes up just .0386 percent of the earth's atmosphere – of which one one-thousandth of a percent is from human activity.
As reported increasingly on factual news programs, and of great consternation to Gore and those who are still sounding alarms, the earth is getting cooler, not warmer. The period from January 2007 through September 2009 show the sharpest drop in temperature in recorded history. The Arctic icepack grew by 370,000 square miles (1.5 times the size of Texas) in the past two years. The most recent Antarctic snowmelt during austral summer of 2007-2008 is the lowest ever recorded. The Antarctic ice cover is now 30 percent greater than its average over the last 30 years. And the polar bear population in the northern arena has increased, to a projected 32,000.
Even at the Kyoto convention, the Chicken Littles themselves projected that if the whole world jumped on board and managed to reduce carbon emissions to zero – in a hurried 20 years of all-out commitment and urgency– the net effect on the world temperature would be approximately one degree. Can you spell "insignificant?"
So, of course, our Nobel winner and his troop of scientists and enlightened world leaders are scrambling and trying to explain all of this. They're saying all these things are just "temporary aberrations" and not relevant to their projections – which is exactly the point. Earth's temperature is related to changes and aberrations on the sun, as it has always been, and is affected little if at all by man’s machinery. I've heard one top solar physicist say "It's the height of presumption and hubris for man to think that he can affect or warp the temperature of this whole vast planet by his puny activities. The sun rules our climate, and the sun alone."
What's sinister about all this is that 67 senators are ready to vote for a "cap and trade" carbon tax that will cripple American industry and our own ability to produce essential oil and coal while we try to come up with alternatives – and make Mr. Gore the world's first "carbon billionaire." If drastically wrong decisions are made by our president in Copenhagen, we will likely lose our status as the world leader in productivity, and be drawn into a world governing body that will tell us what we can and cannot do.

Please compare and seriously consider two statements:

1. "Few challenges facing America and the world are more urgent than combating climate change. The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear." – Barack Obama, November 19, 2008

2. "With all due respect, Mr. President, that is not true. We, the undersigned scientists, maintain that the case for alarm regarding climate change is grossly overstated. Surface temperature changes over the past century have been episodic and modest and there has been no net global warming for over a decade now. After controlling for population growth and property values, there has been no increase in damages from severe weather-related events. The computer models forecasting rapid temperature change abjectly fail to explain recent climate behavior. Mr. President, your characterization of the scientific facts regarding climate change and the degree of certainty informing the scientific debate is simply incorrect."
– Signed by over 100 of the world’s top scientists and researchers in an open letter to
the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the L.A. Times, March 30, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Buddhist Monks Going Home for Christmas?

Recently an airline reservations agent had an enlightening conversation with a woman purchasing tickets for a friend. The woman explained that the tickets were being bought for a woman, who is a Buddhist monk, "to travel over the Christmas holiday." (Those were the words the woman buying the tickets used) It appears that the monk would otherwise be by herself at the Buddhist monastery because all the other monks were traveling home for Christmas. What surprised the reservations agent was that the woman purchasing the tickets stated that she is Buddhist and referred specifically to the fact that the monks were going home for “Christmas” and this one monk would otherwise be alone over Christmas.

It seems that even some Buddhists enjoy being with family during the holiday season What impressed me, however, was the fact that the reservations agent said the word “Christmas” was used by this Buddhist woman without any offense or sense of discrimination. This Buddhist certainly wasn't insisting that everyone else refrain from saying “Christmas” just because she is Buddhist. Why is it someone who makes no claim to being Christian can accept that some observe this holiday and greet everyone with “Merry Christmas” and yet so many others cannot.

Political correctness has reached absurd heights when people become so hypersensitive that what is intended as a greeting of cheer and goodwill is unilaterally suppressed simply because someone somewhere might be offended. I don't even take offense when Buddhists, Jews, Muslims Hindus or any other faith also wish happy holidays or even let slip a “Merry Christmas” to me.

They intend it as a kindness and I accept it in that way. Can't we all just be adults about this? It isn't those who offer greeting of peace and goodwill who are causing mass hysteria it is those who imagine that someone somewhere might possibly be slightly offended who are the cause of the uproar. And find it impossible to mind their own business.(Quartus)

"Merry Christmas" to all the Buddhist monks who are traveling home to be with family.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Wife for Isaac Part 2

I. Read Gen.24: 10-21

1.The servant prepares to journey. The distance is somewhere between 450-500 miles as far as I could learn. The camel can carry 400 Lbs of cargo up to 25 miles in a day. Given these stats the trip would take 18-20 days minimum. The text indicates that the servant is in a hurry to complete his task he probable made the trip in as short a time as was prudent. Lets say 30 days max.
2.He has planed his mission while on the journey. Arriving at the gate to the city he waits for the the women to come forth with their water jugs. He bows and prayed, asking God to direct the one He has chosen for Isaac to come to the well and for her to fit the self-devised plan where-by he may recognize her. What qualities does he search for?
(a)Hospitality to strangers: It is said that this was a rule in their day. So what was the point? The point would be in her answer, whether she was willing to go farther and water his camels also. Thus showing love for animals, a willingness to serve others. A humble heart. A giving Spirit. A hard worker & probable more. [Read page two of Camel Report] Note he answer “my lord” … she quickly emptied... & ran to the well...
(b)The Author (Moses) says she was very beautiful, a virgin. {is there a difference between a virgin and … one who no man had (known/ had relations with)? Or is the second clause just for emphasis.

3.But look at v21. Why is the servant doubtful and asking if Jehovah has made his journey successful, Has not this girl fulfilled the requirements that he prayed for? Yes she has! She seems to be the perfect mate for his young master Isaac. The problem is she may not be of Abraham kindred. At this point the servant does not know that she is. And there is still the question of which he conferred with Abraham about before agreeing to go on this journey.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

“God isn't Bound by Time!”

by Eric Lyons, M.Min.

Although for millennia Genesis chapter one had been understood as the original creation of the Universe that took place in six literal, majestic days, within the last two centuries many have been duped into believing that the billions of years required for evolution must fit somewhere within the first chapter of the English Bible. For numerous “Bible believers,” evolutionary dating methods have become the father of biblical interpretation. Therefore, we are told that God spent, not six literal days, but billions of years creating the Universe and everything in it. We frequently hear such statements as: (1) “God is not bound by time”; (2) “God could have taken as much time as he wanted while creating the Universe and everything in it”; and (3) “Billions of years could have elapsed between Genesis 1:1 and 1:3.” To say that Creation did not last millions or billions of years, supposedly, is to limit Almighty God.

There is no question that God is not bound by time. He is the infinite, eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing Creator. The point, however, is not whether God is outside of time (cf. Psalm 90:2), but what God has revealed to us—both in Genesis 1 and in the rest of the Bible. God could have created the Universe in any way He so desired; in whatever order He wanted, and in whatever time frame He so chose. He could have created the world and everything in it in six hours, six minutes, six seconds, or in one millisecond—He is, after all, God Almighty (Genesis 17:1). But the question is not what God could have done; it is what He said He did. And He said that He created everything in six literal days. When God gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments, He stated:

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it (Exodus 20:8-11, emp. added).

This Sabbath command can be understood properly only when the days of the week are considered regular 24-hour days.

Based upon God’s use of words throughout Scripture which represent time periods that are much longer than a regular day (cf. Genesis 1:14; 2 Peter 3:8), we can rightly conclude that God could have revealed to man that this world was created over a vast period of time. [He could have used the Hebrew word dôr, which means long periods of time.] The fact is, however, God said He created this world and everything in it in six days (Genesis 1; Exodus 20:11; 31:17; cf. Psalm 33:9; 148:5; Mark 10:6).

Question: What’s wrong with the way God said He did it?

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Genesis 24: 1-67:
The commentaries say that this is the longest chapter in the book of Genesis. Be that as it may we will try not to make this lesson too long. Some where near 3 years have passed since the death of Sarah. Isaac is 40 years old and Abraham is 140 years old. Abraham has probably given some thought to his own death, and making plans for the future. In doing so he calls his chief servant (Eliezer_ 15:2) gives him some instructions and sends him to Haran to find a wife for Isaac.

Part 0ne

I. Read Gen.24: 1-9

1. The Oath_ Commentaries indicate this oath as binding_for two reasons: The custom of accepting a persons sworn word (24: 49-51; Joshua 9:3-21[14-21]) even if giving under, shall we say “Unusual circumstances”. [Note that the people of Israel were not happy with their leaders.] And secondly it was made to Abraham by the Lord_ by Jehovah (the God of heaven and earth, the covenant God). This oath seems to me to be very personal, “put your hand under my thigh”. (cf 47:29-31) But also includes a connection to the promise's which God had made to these Patriarchs.

2. Abraham had two stipulations, first no Canaanites. If we look back over the scriptures we have covered so far we understand that they were under a curse. (9:25, 15:13-21) It was not just that they were to be servants, but there were to be thrown off the land. Going back even farther we see that mankind has been depicted as those who look to God and those who turn away from Him. Secondly and yet connected to the first that she must be from his country and his kindred.

3. Application to us: We should always speak the truth, and keep our word and enter an oath under few and necessary circumstances. Jesus words in [Matt.23:16-22; Heb.6:13,16-18; James 5:11] speaks against taking an oath lightly, because God is the highest authority, all oaths eventually end with Him.

4. Our custom unlike Those of Abraham's time is not to pick mates for our sons or daughters. How do we then apply these verses to ourselves, our sons and our daughters? First we need to exemplify a good husband or a good wife ourselves. Second we need to train up our sons and our daughters to be good husbands or wives. Thirdly and most importantly is Pray for God's guidance and blessings.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ask for the Ancient Paths - Jer. 6:16

Thus says the LORD,
"Stand by the ways and see and ask for the (AF)ancient paths,
Where the good way is, and walk in it;
And (AG)you will find rest for your souls.
But they said, 'We will not walk in it.'

Though many look to untried courses which they consider to be a progressive way to seek a solution yet God tells us that real wisdom is found in ancient ways.

What are the “ancient paths” that we should seek?

They are found in God’s commandments Ex 20

V. 17) “You shall not covet…” Would this not solve our economic crisis which has arisen from the consumer credit collapse? (Rom. 7:7; Eph. 5:3-5)

V. 16) “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Would this not improve our affairs on every level? Our national governance, our business dealings, our family relationships, our religious teaching and every other matter would be improved through the telling of truth. (Eph. 4:25; Col. 3:9; 1 John 2:21)

V. 15) “You shall not steal.” Everything you buy would be much less expensive if stealing was not so prevalent and everyone simply paid for what they receive. Unless you are one of those who steals, then your prices would go up as rightly they should. (Eph. 4:28)

V. 14) “You shall not commit adultery.” Our families would be an unbreakable strength, as once they were in this nation, if husbands and wives would obey this command. In some ways the pendulum is swinging back but not rapidly enough. (Matt. 5:28-29; Gal. 5:18-20)

V. 13) “You shall not murder.” Violence and murder is destroying lives. On one hand criminals are murdering our citizens many of whom are innocent, law abiding people and our society is weakened. On the other hand our society practices murder of unborn children and calls it a “right” of privacy and a “choice” for the woman. (Matt. 15:19; Gal. 5:20-21; 1 Pet. 4:15; 1 John 3:15; Rev. 21:8)

V. 12) “Honor your father and your mother…” This commandment would unify our society with regard to generational conflict. Parents would receive the respect and care which is their due and children would be more highly valued because of the blessing which they would bring. There would be no need for children to rebel against parents who exercised the love and nurturing which is found in godly homes. (Matt. 15:4-6; 23:9; Eph 6:2-4; Col. 3:20-21)

Vv. 8-11) “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” This is the one specific commandment which was not repeated in the New Testament but the principle of setting aside the day of worship and rest each week is one that made our nation stronger. It anchored our values in transcendent things and led us to reach great heights. The achievements of previous generations of the godward thinking American people is unparalleled in the history of the world. Their religious and moral underpinnings were founded in part in the regular observance of public worship. (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2; Rev. 1:9-10)

v. 7) “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain…” Freedom of speech has been one of the greatest blessings ever bestowed upon a nation, however, the abuse of this freedom has resulted in the degradation of our society as a whole. It is not that some have chosen to curse God, or to use His name as a curse, such insolence has always been found in human society, but it is the applauding audience which such vile speech receives in our present culture. Unbelief is a choice which some in every generation have made, but the highhanded hushing of voices of faith and trust in God just so that irreverent, skeptical and seditious speech may be amplified is neither fair nor beneficial for the fabric of our nation’s citizens. (Rom. 12:14; Jas. 3:9-10; Rev. 22:3)

Vv. 4-6) “You shall not make for yourself an idol…” Whether religious, political, cultural or personal, undue devotion to persons or things has led to many ills in our nation. This commandment rightly follows the first commandment which defines for us the proper object of man’s whole devotion. ( Acts 15:20, 29; 19:26; 1 Cor. 8:1-5; 2 Cor. 6:16; Gal. 4:8; 1 Thess. 1:9; 1 Jon 5:21; Rev. 9:20)

Vv. 2-3) “I am the LORD your God…You shall have no other gods before Me.” The LORD God who created heaven and earth rightly deserves our worship and the full devotion of our hearts. He does not force us to give Him this but He blesses abundantly those who freely give Him their first love. When our nation recognized this fact we were blessed of Him and became the greatest nation on earth. When we turned our hearts away from this ancient path we began our rapid descent into national degradation and dissolution. The facts speak for themselves. (Matt. 22:36-40; Matt. 7:12; 19:19; Gal. 5:14)

As a nation we have turned a deaf ear to God and eagerly sought every spiritualist or visionary proponent of CHANGE and yet they have failed to deliver. It is precisely like what the prophet Isaiah wrote about Israel in Isaiah 8:19-20:

19When they say to you, "Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter," should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living? 20To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn.

We must turn back to the ancient paths to truly progress as a nation. The course for our bright future is a backward course by turning back to the Bible and back to our national love for the one true God. The path to greatness has always been right before our eyes EVEN ON OUR VERY CURRENCY


but the question remains,



Friday, November 20, 2009

Proof is in the Pudding.

Sometimes I find words can be very interesting. For example take the word 'belief'. The dictionary defines the word as (1) an acceptance that a statement is true, or that something exists. Something one accepts as true or real. A firmly held opinion or conviction. Addd "un" to the front of it and it means -lack of, or absence of belief. Add "mis" and it becomes - wrong or false belief. And add "dis" it turns into an inability or refusal to accept something as true or real. Now you can take this idea and connect it with different topics of "opinions" or "beliefs". Such as GOD or evolution or global warming. The belief that man has caused global warming. Not a simple question to answer in a short time. But look at the arguments offered. Are they valid? Are they based on science or someones theorizing or conclusions drawn from the facts.

I hold a belief in God. That He exists, that He created this world in which we live. I hold a belief that He brought about the bible, causing it to be written that man might come to know GOD, and Jesus Christ His son.

I hold to a belief that evolution is factual within kind. That evolution between kinds is a false belief, a misbelief that some have.

I have a belief that global warming is true at this time, or has been in the past. I have a disbelief than man caused the global warming. I have a belief that some support this false belief because it benefits them to do so.